Hand / Elbow / Wrist

Having an injury to your hand, wrist your elbow can certainly impact your daily living and quality of life. For most people, it is vital to have function throughout their day. The physical therapist at Upright Athlete know how important this is. That’s why is their goal to improve your pain and help you return fully to all activities.

Hand, wrist and elbow injuries can occur for a number of reasons. The most common reasons are trauma and overuse. Overuse injuries occur when there has been an increase in load on the muscle, tendon or joint and the body is unable to keep up with the rate of breakdown to repair. After trauma, weakness and pain can occur, thus further limiting the use of the extremity. Upright Athlete physical therapist in Durham know how to evaluate, diagnosis and treat hand, wrist and elbow injuries and know how important it is for you to function optimally throughout the day.

During your evaluation, your Upright Athlete physical therapist will look at your movement patterns of your arm, shoulder, and spine, test your strength and assess any muscles or tendons that may be irritated. Your therapist may use hands on techniques to reduce pain and tightness including trigger point dry needling, soft tissue mobilization, or myofascial release.

In addition, your therapist will provide you with a home exercise program. Your therapist will guide you through all of your home exercises and make sure you are performing with proper form. You will also be provided an account on our custom Upright Athlete app, which has videos and descriptions of all your home exercises.

Hand, Wrist and Elbow Conditions We Treat

  • Tendonitis
  • Arthritis
  • Golfer’s Elbow
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Fractures